Hey everybody! My name is Francisco Sanchez but most people call me Cisco. Born and raised in New Mexico and it's not too bad here. I like to spend my time playing video games, making cosplays and of course designing art both in real life and in Adobe products. I'm hoping that one day the art that I make will be truly recognized and maybe even used for larger groups or companies!
I began working with Graphic Design back in 2013 in a class for school and haven't stopped since. Big shout out to Mr.Toman, you got me here! Anyways, from that point on I took classes and only got better and eventually began to develop my own style. That ended in high school and I had to go on to develop my future skills on my own. I am more independent now that I am in college and they say this is the time to start working on those money skills. I don't know, maybe this art that I make will help with that problem in the near future.
So that's me! A broke college student who just wants to share his work with the world and make his mark!
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